Meet the Candidates

Earlier this week we emailed all* candidates asking if they would write a short piece introducing themselves to Mt Evelyn residents, and what they stand for.
As previous election information pages, all candidate information is listed in order of where they appear on the ballot form.

Peter Charleton – Independent

Peter Charleton – Independent
G’day Mt Evelyn & Beyond, thank you for the wonderful opportunity to introduce myself and discuss why l believe l am the best Candidate for the Electorate of Casey.

I am Peter Charleton, 45 years old in a de facto relationship with my partner Eva. We have 2 children (13 and 9 y/old) who attend local public schools. As a young child l spent many school holidays with my Grandparents in Healesville and for the past 5 years we (my family) have lived in Dixons Creek. We know the area, we love the area and l have fond memories of this area from 40 years ago.

Those who know me, meet me or even look at the photo of me, soon realise that l do not look like an MP (nor do l talk like an MP) but that is not a negative for anyone who truly knows me.

Those who know me see first hand how l am always putting other people ahead of myself and doing what l can to help “Anyone” who needs a hand. Be it through the Free Jumping Castle Service l have been providing to the community for over 3 years, be it tidying up the garden for a lovely lady in Mentone who received a nasty note about her front yard, be it missing out on potential votes by not always being present at the early voting centres as l have an unwell uncle who relies on me to assist him each day. In fact, as l write this l am reminded that very soon l need to head out to assist another family friend who is moving home today… That is me…

I hope l don’t sound like l have blown my own trumpet, l simply believe it is well beyond time for politicians (and candidates) to offer “Substance” rather than worthless “Words & Slogans”

As the only Independent Candidate running for the seat of Casey, i offer the people the opportunity of electing someone who is free from party control and answerable only to the people of our electorate.

In summary can l say, Doing this is putting me outside of my comfort zone, it has cost me money which l struggled to find, it has put me under additional pressure and stress, but to me it is all well and truly worth it because i sincerely want to do this in order to better help You, Your Family, Your Friends and OUR COMMUNITY!

Please consider putting your support behind me, i do need every vote and every bit of support l can find, but together we can do this…. C’mon, Let’s get it done!


P.S. Should anyone wish to call me l am only too happy to take your calls, my mobile is 0400 655 102 Due to being crazy busy during the day, if possible please call anytime after 7:00 p.m.

Antony Calabro – Rise Up Australia Party

Antony Calabro – Rise Up Australia Party
Antony Calabro was born on the 8th of August 1968, the eldest child of Italian immigrant parents. They came to Australia with nothing and built a family grocery business which supported a family of 5 children.
Antony attended school at St Phillips Primary in Blackburn, followed by Mt Lilydale College. He then achieved a Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) degree from the Victoria University of Technology in 1999 and worked as an Analytical Chemist from 2002 to 2010.

Health and fitness are Antony’s passion and He was very disenchanted with the Pharmaceutical industry at that time. When the opportunity came in2010, he obtained a redundancy package which enabled him to pursue his passion.
He has now been running his own Health and Fitness business for 9 years, managing employees and looking after clients.
Antony married 12 years ago and has 2 children a 9 year old son and a one-year old daughter.
“I am your typical Australian! I love all sports especially Aussie Rules & Basketball.
But my greatest achievement is my family”, Antony proudly states.

Why did Antony Calabro choose Rise Up Australia Party (RUAP)?
“Maybe it chose me”, he suggested.
Antony believes there are many reasons: first and foremost is an issue the major parties don’t even talk about, which is to protect the Christian/Judaeo values that this nation was founded on.
He states, that the values which we take for granted such as Freedom of Speech, the rights of the parents to decide what’s best for their children not the government, and following the Australian constitution instead of following outside interests, should be basic to the Australian way of life.
And, most importantly common-sense policies, like simplifying government and putting Australians first!
“This country was known for taking the ‘Mickey’ out of people not political correctness. Antony says. Political correctness is a tool that is used to stop people from saying, ‘Hey hang on a minute, that’s not right”!
Antony says, that people are labelled racists and bigots when all they are really doing, is stating facts or expressing an opinion (freedom of Speech) He also says, that expression of unpopular views should still be voiced lest they die a natural death, just by way of being unpopular. This he believes, is part of our Freedom of Speech.
“I could go on and on but it’s the policies that count, and RUAP have ones that I agree with 110%,” says Antony.
Vote 1 Antony Calabro for Casey
You can connect with Antony on Email:

Other comments by Antony: see below **
** “If governments stop one voice, they can stop all. Governments should work for the people who are their employers.
Governments must follow the constitution which was set up to protect all these values.”

“What is most important is the leader!
Very rarely do you have a leader that has true integrity, honour and common sense upholding the Christian / Judaeo values that this country was founded on and that which our war veterans fought for.
That’s why I am with RUAP.”

“ Research Daniel Nalliah / Freedom of Speech. What he has done for this country few people know about”.

Ross McPhee – Labour DLP

Ross McPhee – Labour DLP
Unlike typical major party candidates, Ross McPhee is not a career politician. He has extensive experience in education and vocational training, in both paid and voluntary positions, both in Australia and overseas. He has also worked as a cleaner, storeperson, and a food delivery driver, and held roles in state and federal government agencies, and legal and financial services firms.

He believes strongly that working families should have adequate wages to live on, and in the responsible use of taxpayers’ funds in all areas of government spending, especially health, disability and welfare services, education, foreign aid, and defence. He will work to cut rorts, mismanagement, and pork barrelling.

Political correctness and identity politics are out of control, to the point that freedom of speech, religion, and association are under threat. It is not the government’s place to tell people what to think, what they can or cannot say, or how they should live or raise their families. These basic freedoms must be more strongly protected.

Travis Barker – Animal Justice Party 

Travis Barker – Animal Justice Party
Travis Barker is the candidate for the Animal Justice Party.
He has lived in the beautiful Dandenong Ranges for almost a decade and operates a small local business providing tuition for children.
His passion for working with children has grown since volunteering with YMCA running youth leadership camps for students from low socio-economic backgrounds. Travis understands that education is a vital building block for our future and that through knowledge, we can connect, respect and help each other.

Community involvement has always been important to Travis and has led him to being appointed as the treasurer at a local kindergarten.
Travis and his family gave their time to support the community during the 2019 Victorian Bunyip bushfires by transporting food and medical supplies to shelters.
He has also combined his passion for teaching and a love of animals, by volunteering as a Mentor for Challenge 22+, helping people experience and transition to a vegan lifestyle.

The Animal Justice Party is the only political party in Australia dedicated to ending animal cruelty.
Travis and the Party’s key focuses this election are:

– Ban Live Export
Each year, millions of animals suffer on lengthy sea journeys. We won’t stop until we achieve a ban on all live animal exports, forever.

– Combat the Climate Emergency
Urgent action must be taken to address global climate destabilisation. We will legislate to protect forests and marine habitats from further destruction and invest in clean energy and the transition from animal agriculture to plant-based agriculture.

– End Factory Farming
Factory farming causes immense animal suffering. We will fight for a rapid phase out of battery hen cages and sow stalls.

– Safeguard our National Emblem
Kangaroos should be protected and not seen as resources or pests. We will urgently change legislation to protect kangaroos from commercial killing.

– Protect Wildlife Habitats
Land clearing is an animal welfare disaster, displacing and killing huge numbers of wildlife. We will introduce laws to protect wildlife habitats.

– Establish a Federal Animal Rights Commission
Animals have unique rights which should be protected by law. We will establish a legal system for animals which protects their right to live free from human harm.

Your vote is such a powerful way to help animals. With your vote for Travis Barker and the Animal Justice Party, you can help to free chickens from battery cages, stop the slaughter of Australian wildlife, end factory farming, combat the climate emergency and ban live export. The animals don’t choose to be in these situations. They are forced into them, and they need your help to get out of them.

Tony Smith – Liberal

Tony Smith – Liberal (Current member)
I am passionate about representing the people of the outer east, Dandenong Ranges and the Yarra Valley and I have a proven track record supporting the needs of our local area. But I have not done this on my own, I have been joined by the individuals, families and community groups who are driven to make our community stronger and safer. It is these values that motivate me every day to work to make Casey the best it can be.

At this election I am particularly focused on continuing the job to make our community even safer and stronger.

My plan includes making further investments to expand CCTV security camera networks into more towns. Six networks were delivered throughout 2018 in Mt Evelyn, Belgrave, Monbulk, Mooroolbark Woori Yallock and Yarra Glen joining three other federally funded networks in Healesville, Lilydale and Yarra Junction. I will continue this expansion into Upwey, Wandin, Warburton, Millgrove, Montrose and Seville.

I am also committed to my Local Roads Plan which will provide the funding to build better local roads, to reduce congestion and help people get to and from work faster and more safely. This will include:

– Providing $300million to seal dirt roads in the Dandenongs and surrounding areas. $150 million will be provided to the Yarra Ranges Council to seal 250kms of dirt roads in our region, including in Mt Evelyn. With this roads’ sealing programme, the days of pot holes, dust and mud will be over.

– Upgrading major roads such, Maroondah Highway at the Dorset Rd intersection, Maroondah Hwy in Coldstream, Canterbury Road and Wellington Road.

I am also committed to easing the pressure on families through reduced taxes and rewarding small business for having a go. Families and small businesses work hard every day and I believe that both should keep more of what they work hard to earn. We don’t want to hand over our hard earned pay to those who cannot manage money and control spending. The future depends on building our economy to secure the essential services that we all value.

Bill Brindle – Australian Labor Party

Bill Brindle – Australian Labor Party
I’m proud to be a local Casey resident and your Labor candidate at the next Federal election. My wife Susan and I are active community members – we believe that community organisations are the backbone of our society.

As a small business owner who raised my family locally, I understand the pressures placed on working families. It’s also given me an appreciation of the value of a good education.

This means local access to high quality education and training for our kids as well as our young adults. I would relish the challenge of building a stronger TAFE system. Labor will invest in TAFE to give kids who don’t want to go to university the opportunity to learn a trade and help older workers to retrain.

As a parent I also understand the need for affordable and timely healthcare.

At the core of this is Medicare, introduced by Labor, which has proved its worth for over forty years. Access to affordable health care is a fundamental part of building stronger communities – I’m a big believer that your Medicare card, not your credit card, should provide you and your family with quality health care.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions on my email address

Jenny Game-Lopata – The Greens (VIC)
*Jenny only gave us a link to the Greens website for all their information.

*The majority of candidates we were able to contact by emailing directly. A few who didn’t respond, Ryan Leslie Clark (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party ) and Wendy Starkey (United Australia Party) we had to email via their general party contact so we are unsure if our message was passed on.
We could not find an email contact for Jayden O’Connor of The Great Australian Party, so were unable to contact him.
If any candidate has missed their email and would still like to introduce themselves on the Mt Evelyn Community Website, please email us and we will add your introduction to the page.
